Statement of Faith


Southwest Phoenix Temple

DBA Southwest Phoenix Messianic Temple,

& all of its components.

  1. The Tanakh and the Brit Hachadasha Comprise the Complete Holy Bible and are the Inspired Word of God: All the books contained within the Holy Bible are the truth. The Bible should be read regularly. The 10 Commandments within it should be upheld, honored, and respected to the fullest extent possible.

  2. Yeshua Hamashiach- Yeshua Ben Yosef of Nazareth is The Messiah: Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin Mother Mary (the Immaculate Conception), He was sent by God to save the world from its sin, He suffered and died for the sins of the world so that its inhabitants could experience eternal life through him, He descended into hell as a sign of victory, He holds the keys to death, He rose from the dead three days later, He sits at the right hand of God in heaven. No one may enter heaven except through him, no sin can be forgiven or eternal soul saved without first accepting Yeshua Messiah and repenting of all sin.

  3. Yeshua Messiah's Great Commandments and Teachings: All officers and members of the Southwest Phoenix Temple ("the Temple") should live according to Yeshua's instruction and teaching. The Great Commandments of Mattityahu 22:36 should always be rigorously upheld and observed.

  4. The Jewish Holidays, Shabbat and Daily Prayer Observed: All Jewish Holidays described by Moshe in Leviticus 23 and Shabbat (Exodus 20) should be observed.

  5. Keeping Kosher: The Kosher laws prescribed by Moshe (Leviticus 11) should be observed and kept unless it is not feasibly possible or otherwise detrimental to the health of an officer or member of the Temple to do so.

    1. The First Covenant and the New Covenant: The First Covenant (The Tanakh) and the New Covenant (The Brit Hachadasha) are both valid.

    2. The Holy Trinity: God the Father, Yeshua the Son and the Holy Spirit are the three different elements of the One True God.

Yeshua's empty tomb
Yeshua's empty tomb
Southwest Phoenix Theological Temple Logo
Southwest Phoenix Theological Temple Logo