Has the Antichrist Arrived in the United States?

This post will look at the possibility that the final antichrist from the Biblical Book of Revelation has arrived and offer a potential candidate as to who that person is.


11/5/202310 min read

black cross on red textile
black cross on red textile

Has the Antichrist Arrived in the United States?


This post will look at the possibility that the antichrist has arrived in the United States. It will also examine who we think the antichrist might be and why we think so. Please note that we are not making this assertion with 100% certainty, as we believe that the antichrist will not rise to power until after the rapture of the church has taken place. Thus, until then, it is impossible to say beyond all doubt. But, as is often the case, where there is smoke, there is fire. And this particular candidate produces a great amount of smoke to say the least.

The Antichrist in History and the Holy Bible:

The Bible teaches us in John 4:3 that there are many antichrists. These are humans filled with a spirit that is in direct opposition to Yeshua Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) and who does not admit Yeshua is the son of God and has come in the flesh. Thus, one can expect evil traits in these individuals. They are often very fond of maintaining nothing less than absolute control of those unfortunate enough to be subjected to their authority. We, like some famous Jewish Rabbis, are of the opinion that there is at least one antichrist in every generation. Examples of likely past antichrists, or people having the spirit of antichrist include Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, the Roman Emperor Nero, and Mao Zedong.

However, the Bible teaches us that there will be a final antichrist who will appear in the last days. He will fool the entire world, save for God’s elect. It also teaches us that he will perform pseudo miracles using power and lying wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9). He will first provide a false sense of peace and stability to those that are left behind. But at the mid-point of the tribulation period (3.5 years), his true nature will begin to be exposed and at which time destruction and chaos along with the wrath of God will follow. It will be a terrible time to be living on the earth, the worst period in the history or the future of the planet.

Per the Book of Revelation, in order to purchase food and other basic necessities, the final antichrist will require everyone to accept the mark of the beast. Revelation 13 states that this mark will be taken either in the right hand or the forehead. It also states that his name will equal the number 666. Further, the Bible states that he will be the chief son of Satan and that humans will be under the influence of supernatural delusions sent by God in order to help sway the non-elect (otherwise those that are not saved post-rapture) into believing that the final antichrist is the messiah, the savior whom is capable of solving all of the world’s problems. This belief in the false messiah and the receiving of the mark will result in nothing short of inescapable eternal doom.

Discovery of the Primary Final Antichrist Candidate as of 2023:

As it stands, there are several potential candidates concerning who the final antichrist may be. But one of them stands out, exceedingly far above all the rest. Other presumed candidates estimated by Christians include the Saudi Crown Prince and the Rabbi Yehuda, often hailed as the Jewish "messiah". But the candidate I write about here is running for the office of President of the United States as a member of the Republican party in 2024. His name is Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy. His political party choice coincides with the fact that it is the one having the largest Christian base, thus, if he can win most of the Republican party over, the democratic party will pose little threat once his time of ascension arrives.

First, I'll say how we noticed Vivek. Recently, we were watching Fox Live News channel, and suddenly the channel switched the program and began to cover one of his presidential rallies. We had never heard his name before, but we got a very eerie feeling as he spoke with such confidence and bravado. He mentioned that he could fit in with anyone, and was literally adaptable to anyplace due to his midwestern middle-class upbringing. Also, he mentioned that his relatability to the masses is owed to him being an American but with recent immigrant ties via his parents, he is Hindu but yet only worships one god. Therefore, he could appeal to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

That eerie feeling strengthened as Vivek mentioned that as the United States President, he would bypass congress, and do what was needed, because the constitution allowed for sitting Presidents to do this. As we heard this nauseating rhetoric, immediately 2 Thessalonians 2 came to mind: "that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition". The word perdition used in the Bible often means to destroy. I think it goes without saying that destruction is precisely what a complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution, which separates the presidential, congressional and judicial powers, creating checks and balances on each branch by the others, would cause. Clearly, his constitutional disregard would cause the destruction of the highest source of law that this once-great-nation was built upon. Chaos would undoubtedly be soon to follow as this cleared the way for martial law and the resulting complete control of all American citizens.

The Evidence:

Vivek is of Indian descent. He is a first-generation American, born in 1985 in Ohio to two immigrant parents who hailed from Kerala. He speaks Tamil and is of course fluent in American English. Interestingly, Tamil is the oldest living language on earth at 5000 years old. Vivek is a self-made billionaire and the owner of a biotech firm. Obviously biotechnology would be the ideal business for the final antichrist to be involved in as it would translate to implementing the mark of the beast. This is because scripture tells us that the mark will be life altering technology and will be incorporated into the human body in one way or another.

As to the number of his name, most, including us at YGIDM, assumed that the number would be calculated using gematria as it was a commonly known system back when John the Revelator wrote the Book of Revelation in Patmos around 80 AD. However when using this method, the numbers don’t quite add up. But there is yet another method of calculation which was also common in the Mediterranean during the time of the New Testament authors. This method is called numerology and is distinctly different from gematria. Numerology is based on an idea by Pythagoras in which everything can be expressed in numbers while gematria descends from a form of math used by ancient scribes and several authors of the Bible.

There has been records found showing that both the Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations were familiar with numerology among others. In fact, it likely originated from one of these early civilizations. As indicated in the previous paragraph, numerology is evidenced as being known of and used within Greece during the time of Pythagoras, therefore it dates to at least 500-600 BC within Greece. Thus, it is almost certain that the Greek speaking and writing New Testament authors, such as John the Revelator, would have been familiar with numerology.

According to parentingnation.in, numerology’s “Lucky Number” totals for Vivek’s full name is as follows: Vivek = 6. Ramaswamy = 6. Ganapathy is Tamil for the Indian Ganesh. Ganapathy = 9. Ganesh = 3. Thus, the median = 6. Each lucky number put together then equals 666.

As we’ve already covered, Ganapathy is Tamil for Ganesh. In Hinduism, Ganesh is a god who is the offspring of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and is said to one day bring about the end of the world. This of course satisfies scripture which calls the antichrist the chief son of Satan.

Vivek’s first name can be translated in Tamil to mean judgment. His surname, Ramaswamy is Tamil for “lord Rama”. In Hinduism, Rama is an avatar of Vishnu, the salvation (“messiah”) of humanity. Accordingly, Rama can shoot arrows of fire. This Hindu religious belief also satisfies Revelation 13:13, which states that the antichrist can call fire down to earth from heaven in the sight of men.

Again, Vivek was born 08/09/1985. Using numerology’s “Life Path Number” formula, which takes the date of birth as single digits and adds them together, we get: 8 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 40. 40 divided by 6 = 6.6666. Using other numerology calculators and different numbers:

  1. Numerology.astro-seek.com: Full Name Entered: Name Number = 6.

  1. Tamildi.com: Full Name Entered: Name Number = 9. (Likely the Ganesh (Hindu) and the Ganapathy (Tamil) difference is shown here).

  1. Prokerala.com: Full Name Entered: Life Path Number = 22. Divided by 6 = 3.666.

These calculations could easily be interpreted to satisfy the number of his name equaling 666 and fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 13:18.

Next, there have been many statements published in online news articles about Vivek's ability to lie, conceal, deflect, and manipulate. Nbcnews.com published an article containing a statement made by one of Vivek’s former Yale law school classmates concerning him “actually being the devil”:

“It was neither the first nor last time that Ramaswamy earned his reputation as a disruptive brainiac who was willing, and even eager, to dance on political third rails and challenge conventions.

That eagerness would come to define Ramaswamy at a trio of top institutions — St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Harvard, and Yale Law School — where classmates recalled a pugnacious student who centered debate in his educational life and always seemed to push his takes past their logical endpoint.

“He was known in the class as the devil’s advocate,” one former law school classmate said. “And at a certain point, if someone is always playing the devil’s advocate, you have to kind of wonder whether he’s actually the devil”.

More substantial evidence regarding Vivek is that he was born in Cincinnati. For those familiar with the Nephilim and the earth mounds strewn around the world, wherein the Nephilim’s giant skeletons have been found, Ohio is the only state that has a massive, ancient serpent shaped mound. I don’t believe it is by chance alone that he was born so close to it, with Cincinnati being just over an hour away.

More still is that many Christians have long believed that the antichrist would descend from the Biblical tribe of Dan. This belief originated with the early church father Irenaeus and was strengthened by Hippolytus. Irenaeus put forward two Bible verses to support this theory. The first is Jeremiah 8:16: "The snorting of the enemy’s horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles.They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there." The second verse supporting the theory is that among the 144,000 sealed of Rev. 7, Dan is not included among the other tribes listed (verses 5-7).

The tribe of Dan’s symbol is often portrayed as the serpent due to Genesis 49:19: “Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path”. This makes the serpent mound's proximity to Vivek's place of birth much more compelling.

History shows that the tribe of Dan migrated Northeast before being absorbed into Syria during the Assyrian invasion in 721 BC. However, Syria and India have had direct relations for over 4,000 years. India and Syria were even neighbors at one point circa 2200 BC. Further, there is a considerable population of Syrian Christians in Kerala (called Malabar Christians) with dozens of Syro-Malabar churches found throughout the area. These Malabar Christians, who hold their services in the Syriac language, can trace their origins to 100 AD when St. Thomas is said to have landed in the Southeast Indian state. Syrian Christians also completed missions to Kerala India during the 1800s converting many Jewish residents who already lived there. Thus, it is entirely possible, perhaps even likely, that Vivek does have some descent from the tribe of Dan.

An additional and crucial, albeit somewhat arguable piece of evidence is that one of the leading Israeli Rabbis of his time, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri (1898-2006), is said to have written a note containing the name of the messiah before his death. The rabbi was 107 when he died, and he said that he had been meeting the messiah in visions during the last year of his life on a regular basis. He requested the note to remain sealed until a specific time after his death. The note translated from Hebrew to Latin letters reads:

“Yarim ha-am veyokhiakh shedvaro vetorato omdim”.

Amazingly, the note has the name “Yehoshua” (a variant of Yeshua) found among the letters written by the Rabbi. Thus, it truly does contain the name of the actual Messiah. However, strangely the note also contains the name Vivek Ramaswamy. Thus, the anti-messiah may well be found among the letters written on the note as well (the Hebrew letter Vav can be used as both V and W).

Kaduri Sr.’s son, also a prominent rabbi, refuted the note’s authenticity. In opposition, those close to the Sr. Kaduri authenticated the note using his handwriting. Stronger evidence of the note’s authenticity is that the note was published on the Rabbi’s official website, Kaduri.net, which was something his son didn’t know until after the fact. Naturally, with Orthodox Jews not wanting one of their leading and most famous rabbis to appear as a Messianic Jew, the note is still refuted in Israel to a large extent though some Israeli media outlets reported the note as authentic. We feel that the evidence of the note’s authenticity is substantial.


In conclusion, we are undoubtedly living in the last days. We can ascertain this from the signs given to us throughout the Bible, particularly those pre-rapture signs given to us by Yeshua Messiah in Matthew 24. At an ever-increasing rate, Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. Given the recent start of the Israel Gaza war, the birth of A.I., the global phenomenon of increased earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, we feel that the birth pains are likely somewhere in the last trimester. Accordingly, it is highly probably that the final antichrist is on the earth and has been for some time.

Considering and weighing each piece of evidence we’ve went over above, which arguably satisfies all of the main Bible prophecies concerning the final antichrist, and considering the connotations of that evidence, we cannot think of a better candidate than Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy as of now. Brothers and sisters, it is imperative that we stay close to God and live within his word. For those who may be reading and have not been saved by the blood of Yeshua Messiah, I urge you to please not delay. Your soul depends on it and the time of his redemption is near.

Until next time,



Ashe, Bethsheba. "What is the difference between gematria and numerology?" timesofisrael.com, 11 Aug. 2019, blogs.timesofisrael.com/what-is-the-difference-between-gematria-and-numerology/. Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.

Haran, VP. "India-Syria Linkages: Yesterday and Today." IPCS | Institute Of Peace & Conflict Studies, 24 Aug. 2016, www.ipcs.org/comm_select.php?articleNo=5113. Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.

Hill, C. E. “ANTICHRIST FROM THE TRIBE OF DAN.” The Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 46, no. 1, 1995, pp. 99–117. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23966607. Accessed 14 Dec. 2023.

Lodrick, D.O. "Syrian Christians in India." Encyclopedia.com | Free Online Encyclopedia, www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/syrian-christians-india. Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.

Seitz-Wald, Alex, et al. "How Vivek Ramaswamy Turned His Elite Education into a Degree in Devil's Advocacy." NBC News, 4 Oct. 2023, www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/vivek-ramaswamy-elite-education-devils-advocacy-yale-harvard-rcna117118. Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.

Tabor, Nick. "Vivek Ramaswamy." Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Oct. 2023, www.britannica.com/biography/Vivek-Ramaswamy. Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.